Logo competition. Union of Hellenic Chambers of Commerce and University of Thessaly (through the LACTIMED Project, funded by the European Union, ENPI CBC MED programme).
The competition’s subject was a logo for use by the group of entrepreneurs and organizations of the dairy sector of Thessaly, that emerged from the LACTIMED project.
Logo design.
The main element in the proposed logo is the greek letter “Θ” (th) for Thessalia (Θεσσαλία), the region that the cooperation is active. The horizontal line of the letter “Θ” is transformed into the profile of a mountain and a plain, rendering the relief of Thessaly.
The proposed colorization of the letter’s interior strengthens the depiction of the relief and emphasizes the important contribution of the livestock activity – from small local businesses – in preserving the natural beauty of the place.
At the same time, it refers to the micro-areas with which local producers and breeders have close relations. The rendering of the colors as a mosaic symbolizes the area’s rich biodiversity that contributes to the creation of healthy products.